29 February 2024

The Apple Car that Never Was: An End to the Decade-Long Mystery

Apple's mysterious car project, known as Project Titan, has officially come to an end, leaving behind a decade of speculation and uncertainties surrounding the tech giant's automotive ambitions.

Transportation: The Apple Car that Never Was

Apple's secretive car project, known as Project Titan, has concluded without ever being unveiled. Reports have followed its journey, marked by the involvement of many EV engineers, but its objectives remained uncertain. With the project's termination, questions arise concerning the EV and AV industries and Apple's future ventures.

Reflection on Project Titan

Throughout its decade-long span, Project Titan's direction fluctuated between autonomous and electric vehicles. Apple's traditional strategy of entering and dominating new market segments seemed to falter with this project, showing an uncharacteristic indecision that may have led to its discontinuation.

Apple Car, Project Titan, Tim Cook, EV industry, AV industry, electric vehicle, autonomous vehicle, tech developments

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