08 January 2024

OpenAI Rebuffs NY Times Copyright Lawsuit

OpenAI has publicly responded to The New York Times' copyright lawsuit, asserting the claim lacks merit and citing fair use in AI model training.

OpenAI Responds to NY Times Copyright Lawsuit

OpenAI has publicly responded to a copyright lawsuit filed by The New York Times, claiming the suit to be meritless. The company argues that using publicly available data to train AI models, including data from The Times, falls under fair use. OpenAI emphasizes the need for fairness to creators, innovation, and U.S. competitiveness.

The Debate Over AI and Copyright

As copyright debates around generative AI heat up, cases involving prominent figures like Sarah Silverman and acclaimed authors are coming to the fore. OpenAI contends with accusations of verbatim data regurgitation and maintains that claims of such instances are either exaggerated or taken out of context. Meanwhile, some news outlets opt for licensing deals, and public opinion seems to favor publishers in the matter of AI model training with copyrighted content.

OpenAI, The New York Times, Copyright Lawsuit, Fair Use, AI Model Training, Copyright Law, GPT-4, DALL-E 3, Content Training, Legal Dispute

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