11 January 2024

Moustrap: The Luxury Ergonomic Computer Mouse Poised to Revolutionize Work

Designed for designers and artists, Moustrap is a premium ergonomic computer mouse that aims to enhance productivity and reduce strain.

Moustrap: A Step Forward in Ergonomic Mouse Design

Discover Moustrap, the premium computer mouse designed to enhance productivity and reduce physical strain for professionals like designers, artists, and 3D modelers. Andrew Federici, inspired by a friend's repetitive motion injury, has engineered a mouse that merges luxury, function, and ergonomics. This leather-clad piece of art offers a unique joystick control, aiming to deliver comfort and excitement in daily work routines.

Innovation Merging with Luxury

Federici's Moustrap, targeted at a high-end market, boasts a price range of $400-500. With no investors and a manufacturing partner in China, Moustrap is poised to hit the market in three months, aspiring to benefit anyone who frequently uses a mouse. Despite its niche appearance, Federici believes in the universal appeal of the Moustrap's ergonomic benefits.

ergonomic, computer mouse, Moustrap, productivity, design, CAD, hand strain, luxury gadget

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