22 January 2024

Limited App Support for Apple's Vision Pro at Launch

Apple's new Vision Pro has launched with only 150+ apps explicitly designed for the device, revealing a lukewarm response from developers.

Limited App Support for Apple's Vision Pro

Apple's Vision Pro mixed reality headset has launched with just over 150 apps specifically updated for the device, a small fraction of the App Store's total offerings. Developers face challenges like limited headset availability for testing and a high price point that may constrain market opportunities.

Developers' Dilemma with Vision Pro

Concerns over the cost-effectiveness of developing for Vision Pro and Apple's post-lawsuit policy changes may be dissuading developers. Some high-profile apps have decided against building for the platform, potentially impacting the platform's growth and appeal.

Apple Vision Pro, app development, App Store, developers, virtual reality, mixed reality headset, AR/VR apps

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