23 January 2024

Docker's Build Cloud Revolutionizes Container Building

Docker introduces Docker Build Cloud, a new service enabling developers to accelerate container build times by offloading to the cloud.

Docker Launches Build Cloud for Container Builds in the Cloud

Docker's new fully managed service Docker Build Cloud promises to speed up container image build times by up to 39x, allowing development teams to offload their builds to the cloud. With a strategy focused on cloud-connected tools without additional cognitive overload, Docker offers faster builds within familiar workflows.

Local+Cloud Hybrid Strategy and Transparent Caching

Docker's chief product officer highlights the shift from Docker's 'single-player focus' to a more collaborative approach, encompassing cloud power without the entire process moving to the cloud. The service also plans to provide developers with insights into cache utilization and further optimization options in the future.

Docker, Docker Build Cloud, container building, cloud service, development, DockerCon, image builds, developer tools

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